ORU Logo Anticipation and Anticipatory Systems:
Humans Meet Artificial Intelligence
The first CREA international symposium

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The first CREA international symposium was held at Örebro University (Örebro, Sweden) on June 10-13, 2019. The theme of the symposium was "Anticipation and Anticipatory Systems: Humans Meet Artificial Intelligence". The symposium included ten keynote talks, eleven presentations of contributed papers, a collective anticipatory lab led by Riel Miller, and an open evening event featuring a Human-AI jazz concert and a public debate.


The symposium was highly cross-disciplinary, and it saw the active participation of around eighty people coming from disciplines as diverse as philosophy, sociology, psychology, cognitive science, literature, economics, neurosciences, artificial intelligence and robotics. The combination of the variety of points of views and the open mindedness and intellectual curiosity of all participants resulted in a vibrating atmosphere, lively discussions and overall an enriching experience.

Below, you will find videos of the keynote talks and of the public event, as well as pointers to abstracts of all the contributions. You may also want to browse the "Memory Slices" kindly made available by Anna Strasser. We hope that this material will help others to share some of the excitement and intellectual growth that we have experienced in these days.

Luis de Miranda and Alessandro Saffiotti
Symposium organizers

Keynote talks

Roberto Poli (UNESCO Chair in Anticipatory Systems, Trento University, Italy)

Title: Mapping anticipation
Abstract: Link


David Vernon (Carnegie Mellon University Africa, Rwanda)

Title: "It's a Poor Sort of Memory that Only Works Backwards": Anticipation as the Essence of Cognition
Abstract: Link


Carme Torras (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain)

Title: Anticipatory Science-Fiction to Foster Ethical Debates on AI and Robotics
Abstract: Link


Claire Craig (Royal Society, UK) and Sarah Dillon (University of Cambridge, UK)

Title: Stories as Anticipatory Models
Abstract: Link


Malik Ghallab (LAAS CNRS and University of Toulouse, France)

Title: AI for Anticipation: a Possible Means, a Necessary Purpose
Abstract: Link


Scott Jordan (Illinois State University, USA)

Title: Synthetic Anticipation: On the Evolution of Wild Meaning
Abstract: Link


Fabian Labra-Spröhnle (Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, New Zeeland)

Title: Revisiting Hippocrates' "On Ancient Medicine" to Inform Natural and Artificial Anticipation
Abstract: Link


Liliana Albertazzi (Trento University, Italy)

Title: Perceptions from Inside Out
Abstract: Link


Andrej Skulimowski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)

Title: Networked Anticipatory Systems
Abstract: Link


Vanessa Andreotti (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Note: Remote presentation
Title: Indigenous Knowledges, Anticipation and Artificial Intelligence
Abstract: Link


A public evening on AI

Part 1: Human-AI jazz concert

Synopsis: A duo of a human pianist and an AI drummer will perform jazz tunes. This experiment will show you how humans and AI can understand each other and collaborate in a harmonious way.

Introduction: Luis de Miranda

Artists: Peter Knudsen (human pianist), Oscar Thörn (AI programmer), Alessandro Saffiotti (AI expert), Peter Fogel (musicologist)

Part 2: Inspirational talk

Synopsis: Everyone knows that the future does not exist. No one can go there. Evidence cannot be collected. Yet when people think about the future they bring tomorrow to life. Humans use their imaginations to invent the future in the present. Why do we use this ability? How do we do it? Does how and why we imagine the future change depending on circumstances, intention, volition? In this talk Riel Miller will discuss the emerging Discipline of Anticipation and the capability that is associated, called Futures Literacy. He will explore why improving our capacity to `use-the-future' for different reasons, in different ways, in different contexts, is an essential skill for humanity to appreciate and make-sense of our inherently complex emergent universe.

Introduction: Luis de Miranda

Speaker: Riel Miller, Head of Futures Literacy, UNESCO

Part 3: Public debate

Topic: "Can Artificial Intelligence Help us Anticipate the Future?"

Moderator: Luis de Miranda

Participants (left to right): Carme Torras (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain), Sarah Dillon (Cambridge University, UK), Amy Loutfi (Örebro University, Sweden), Fabian Labra-Spröhnle (Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, New Zeeland), Riel Miller (Head of Futures Literacy, UNESCO)


Contributed Papers

Sara Saban (Yeditepe University, Turkey)

Title: Anticipation: Conscious and Unconscious Brain Processes
Abstract: Link

Patrick Butlin (King's College London, UK)

Title: Model-Based Reinforcement Learning and Acting for Reasons
Abstract: Link

Fatemeh Ziaeetabar (University of Göttingen, Germany)

Title: Who can predict Faster? Human or Robot?
Abstract: Link

Thomas Moynihan (University of Oxford, UK)

Title: A Prehistory to Prescience: The Rational Recollection of Futurity
Abstract: Link

Anna Strasser (Tufts University, USA)

Title: Do human anticipation abilities have a special feature?
Abstract: Link

Paul Hemeren (University of Skövde, Sweden)

Title: Reverse Hierarchy Theory and the Role of Kinematic Information in Semantic Level Processing and Intention Perception
Abstract: Link

Lina Rahm (Linköping University, Sweden)

Title: Educational Imaginaries of Technology
Abstract: Link

Erik Billing (University of Skövde, Sweden)

Title: Proactive Eye-Gaze in Human-Robot Interaction
Abstract: Link

Alessandro Saffiotti (Örebro University, Sweden)

Title: Some Notes on Anticipation in AI and Robotics
Abstract: Link

Lars Karlsson and Uwe Köckemann (Örebro University, Sweden)

Title: Anticipation and Planning in Human-Aware Robotics
Abstract: Link

Luis de Miranda (Örebro University, Sweden)

Title: Effectual Anticipation: Analytical, Dialectical and Crealectical Moments
Abstract: Link




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This Symposium was supported by Vetenskapsrådet - the Swedish Research Council - as well as by Örebro University through its 20-year jubileum program. CREA is part of Örebro University's larger effort to promote multidisciplinary research in AI.

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Last updated on August 14, 2019 by A. Saffiotti